برزنتيشنات متنوعة وشاملة في اللغة الإنجليزية منهج عمان

جمعت لكم منصة أفدني كل مايهمك من البرزنتيشن و مواضيع اللغة الإنجليزية و برزنتيشنات متنوعة و شاملة في مادة اللغة الإنجليزية المنهاج العماني المقرر من وزارة التربية والتعليم في سلطنة عمان.
رايتنغ عن ماهو طموحي في المستقبل:
رايتنغ عن ماهو طموحي في المستقبل
برزنتيشن كيف أكون صداقات في المدرسة المنهاج العماني:
1برزنتيشن كيف أكون صداقات في المدرسة المنهاج العماني
برزنتيشن متنوعة في اللغة الإنجليزية:
2برزنتيشن متنوعة في اللغة الإنجليزية
قد يهمك أيضاً:
برزنتيشن عن حوادث الطرق في اللغة الإنجليزية منهج سلطنة عمان
مواضيع writing اللغة الانجليزية
وبرزنتيشن عن الفيتامين في اللغة الإنجليزية منهج سلطنة عمان
برزنتيشن emotions في اللغة الإنجليزية كيف تتحكم في انفعالاتك عمان
هنا بريزنتيشن living healthy العيش بصحة جيدة في اللغة الإنجليزية عمان
و بعض المواضيع المقترحة لكتابة ايميل برزنتيشن عمان
و برزنتيشن كيف أكون صداقات في المدرسة المنهاج العماني
برزنتيشنات قصيرة و سهلة الحفظ انجليزي منهج سلطنة عمان
ثم برزنتيش عن إعصار شاهين على شكل إيميل المنهاج العماني
برزنتيشن عن حوادث الطرق منهج سلطنة عمان
أيضاَ برزنتيشن the best your live
و برزنتيشن عن الفيتامين منهج سلطنة عمان
تعليم كيفية كتابة الإيميل باللغة الإنجليزية
أهم القواعد الإنجليزية التي تفيد الطالب في جميع المراحل الدراسية
برزنتيشين عن السوشيال ميديا Presentation About Social Media
برزنتيشنات للإفادة:
Last week I visited the national park in lganda. It is a nice place to see the animals, the different birds, monkeys ….. I stayed in a small comfortable mud hut by the river side. the viem was breath-leaking and the 3o meters high waterfall were great. I took aired on a small boot to see the hippos and crocodiles. I also droved jeep with a ranger who told me a lot about the lion and the monkey. During the night the weather was great as it was the dry season and so we steady by the campfire ate grilled fish and listened to the stories of the rangers about the poachers. The trip was great. We really enjoyed and I made new friends
العطلة الصيفية
My summer holiday was so perfect. I spent it in a small village where I was born. There, I visited my family and friends, whom I haven’t seen for a long time. I really passed a wonderful time with them. We spent our days listening to the music under the palm trees and swimming in the river. Unlike cities the weather in the town is so cool. It is neither hot nor cold. Beside that, people in the village are so kind. They welcome you no mater who you are or from where you come. What makes me so happy there is that people still keep their traditions. Everything is so traditional such as clothes, meals, buildings and music. Finally I really enjoyed my summer holiday and I will never forget the nice moments I spent there. I look forward to go back there in the future.
برزنتيشن عن الشوكولاته
Chocolate is a food made from the seeds of a cacao bean. It is used in many desserts like pudding, cakes, candy, ice cream. and Easter eggs. It can be a solid form like a candy bar or it can be in a liquid form like hot chocolate. The taste of chocolate is often described as sweet because chocolate makers usually add a lot of sugar and milk for taste. This means that chocolate can be bad for your teeth and health. Chocolate is safe to eat unless it is eaten in large amounts. Some animals, like dogs, become sick if they eat chocolate. People with diabetes can also get sick from eating chocolate. Dark chocolate contains ingredients that lower blood pressure and fight disease. Small amounts of dark chocolate have been found to lower the risk of heart disease because of polyphenol in chocolate. It is necessary to eat moderate amount of chocolate.
*Travel has a lot of advantages.* People travel for tourism shopping, studying, training and seeking for treatment. It is a chance to know more about other countries, making new friendships and learn about new things.They can discover their abilities. Travelling colour the mind. I believe that everyone needs to travel to change their daily routine for a while and try to have fun. *Personally, l love travelling very much and l strongly recommend everyone to experience travel.*
برزنتيشن عن خريف صلالة
Salalah is the capital city of the governorate of Dhofar in the South of Oman, and the second largest city in the country. Salalah is one of probably only two places in the Arabic peninsula (besides Yemen) that experiences a monsoon season, which is called Khareef and lasts from July to September. Khareef means “autumn” in Arabic but it refers to monsoon when describing Salalah. During this time, the brown landscape of Salalah and its surroundings is completely transformed to a beautiful and lush green, and locals and tourists alike flock to Salalah.
Not surprisingly, the city and surrounding areas get really busy at this time of the year, especially considering that the Salalah Tourism Festival starts at the same time; visitors may find it difficult or extremely expensive to get a room or even hire a car unless they booked well in advance. The climate of the region and the monsoon allows the city to grow some vegetables and fruits like coconut and Banana. There are many farms within the city where these vegetables and fruits grow.
Eveybody can buy cigarettes and smoke pretty much anywhere — even in hospitals! Ads for cigarettes were all over the place. Today we re more aware about how bad smoking is for our health. Smoking is restricted or banned in almost all public places and cigarette companies are no longer allowed to advertise on TV, radio, and in many magazines.
Almost everyone knows that smoking causes cancer, emphysema, and heart disease; that it can shorten your life by 10 years or more; and that the habit can cost a smoker thousands of dollars a year. So how come people are still lighting up? The answer, in a word, is addiction.
الخنجر العماني
The khanjar is the traditional dagger of Oman .
The khanjar is curved, and Sharp from both edges. It is covered by a sheath of decorated silver, and is fixed to a belt of leather which is decorated with silver threads.
The khanjar appears on the flag of Oman, as part of the National Emblem of Oman.
My English teacher
معلمة الإنجليزي
I like my English teachers. She is very kind.
She is working very hard to teach us English. There are twenty nine students in my class. We all study very hard to get high marks and make her feels happy.
إيميل عن وظيفة المستقبل
Address (عنوان الصديق)
Dear(اسم الصديق/الصديقة)
I would like to be a heart surgeon. This is because I like to adapt to different situations and meet different people. Also, I would like to continue to research for new
treatments. The surgeon can make a difference into people’s lives. It’s very hard job, long-working hours in the hospitals with a mindistants and nurses around you all the time.
I will be proud to be able to help sick people to start a new life with healthy hearts. Our surgeons, modern hospitals and intensive care units in my country help to provide a better service for our community. Therefore I will do my best and study hard to get high marks to join The Medical Collage to become well skilled surgeon.
*I hope my wish comes true. Prey for me.*(الخاتمة وتكتب في سطر مستقل)
Yours sincerely;
Introduction to a topic about the university
University education aims at attainment, knowledge, and development of the mind and intelligence, and helps the person to become aware of life, and education includes general knowledge, which includes knowledge in all directions of life. And the geography of the world, especially the most important continents and oceans around the world, and knowledge of other languages, one of the most important of these languages is the English language, which is the most important global language, and knowledge of all matters of religion and the teachings of the Islamic religion.
All this education is learned by man from the time he enters the classroom until the secondary stage, and then the person begins to enter into new stages in his life, in which he chooses his specific goal and specializes in the specific science he is interested in, and he takes up the profession he wants, including the profession of medicine, engineering, pharmacy or accounting. The attainment of knowledge must not be limited to the stages of study, but the person must continue in education, attainment and knowledge, in order to keep pace with the development around him, and try to keep reading and perusal in order to develop his skills.
فقرة عن عمان بين الماضي والحاضر صف سابع
peninsula became a major producer of incense, and it enjoyed significant commercial activity with Mesopotamia, Egypt, Persia, India and Dilmun Island. Oman was one of the satrapies of the Persian Empire when it was incorporated there, about 536 BC. AD
Oman is Islamized during the life of Muhammad in the seventh century. In the eighth century, following the schism between Sunnis and Shiites, Oman is one of the few countries to follow the Middle Way, Kharidjism, and soon becomes the main region of ibadite obedience.
The history of Oman really began only in the year 751 of our era, with the election of the first ibadite imam in Nizwa. While preserving its ibatid imams as a religious authority, the region was dominated several times by major foreign powers during the Middle Ages, notably intermittently by the Qarmates from 931 to 934, then by the Bouyides from 967 to 1053, In 1154, the Omani dynasty of the Nabhânides took control of the country, and kept it until 1470 (despite an interruption from 1406 to 1443). Allies of the Bûyides and turned towards the Strait of Hormuz and the Persian shore of the Gulf, the Nabhânides give a new impetus to the maritime expansion of the country.
Zheng He, in his expedition from 1413-1415, visits the area.
The country was partially occupied by the Portuguese from 1507 to 1650. In 1649-1650 the Omanis, now led by the Yaroubide dynasty, expelled the Portuguese and captured the main Swahili ports on the East African coast: Mombasa, Kilwa , Zanzibar and Pemba, which allows them to control part of the very lucrative slave trade. In 1719, Saif ibn Sultan II was elected to the dynastic succession. His candidacy led to a fracture in the ulama and broke out a civil war between the two major tribes, the Hinawi and the Ghafiri, the Ghafiri supporting Saif ibn Sultan II. The latter retained power in 1748 after the leaders of both factions were killed in the battle, but this was not enough to extinguish the quarrel, this functionalisation playing the part of the Iranians, who partially occupied the country from 1737 to 1744 ( including Muscat and Sohar). The present lineage of the sultans of Oman, founded in 1749 by Ahmed ibn Said, established his capital in Muscat in 1779. It is the beginning of a golden age for the sultanate of Oman, which confirms its influence on the western Indian Ocean to Madagascar.
In the early nineteenth century, Oman became the center of a true colonial empire, stretching from Baluchistan to Zanzibar. The Sultanate was placed under British protectorate from 1891 to 1971, while nominally retaining its independence. From 1965 to 1976, the country was the scene of a violent communist insurrection, known as the Dhofar war, caused by the poor socio-economic conditions of a part of the population: this uprising was reduced with the help of the British and Iranian forces
بنفس السياق:
◊برزنتيشن emotions في اللغة الإنجليزية كيف تتحكم في انفعالاتك عمان
♠برزنتيشن عن الفيتامين منهج سلطنة عمان
♥برزنتيشن عن حوادث الطرق منهج سلطنة عمان
و بريزنتيشن living healthy العيش بصحة جيدة في اللغة الإنجليزية عمان
بعض المواضيع المقترحة لكتابة إيميل برزنتيشن عمان
⊥برزنتيش عن إعصار شاهين على شكل إيميل المنهاج العماني
برزنتيشنات قصيرة و سهلة الحفظ انجليزي منهج سلطنة عمان
قد يهمك أيضاً:
رابط المقالة الشاملة للمنهاج العماني الفصل الدراسي الأول و الثاني:
مايحتاجه الطالب من ملخصات واختبارات وكراسات للصفوف من( ١-١٢)
للفصل الأول و الثاني وفق المنهاج العماني
اضغط هنا على الروابط:
↔ملفات المنهاج العماني فصل أول لجميع الصفوف
ملفات المنهاج العماني فصل ثاني لجميع الصفوف
صفحات التواصل الإجتماعية التفاعلية للمنهاج العماني_أفدني
إعداد: أ/ قمر مصري – قسم التعليم – سلطنة عمان – أفدني